FSF Codes
Members are required to adhere to FSF's Codes and Guidelines. These also act as a resource to help consumers know what they should expect from a responsible lender.
Only companies who are FSF members or financial mentors may use or promote these Codes.
Responsible Lending Guidelines
When you apply for a loan, your lender has responsibilities to you, including making sure they understand your situation and needs.
Understand what a responsible lender will do to ensure the loan is right for you.
Responsible Borrowing Code
Re-launched in 2019 in conjunction with FinCap, this code covers what consumers should consider before taking out a loan, what to disclose, and what not to do if things go wrong.
Responsible Debt Collection Code
Understand how FSF members go above and beyond what is required in law to action debt collection responsibly.
Responsible Credit-Related Insurance Code
Understand how FSF members who provide credit-related insurance go above and beyond to ensure their policies are sold responsibly.
Micro-Credential (NZQA Level 5) Consumer Credit
In 2023, FSF partnered with education provider Strategi to develop this qualification, the only one of its kind in New Zealand focussed on consumer credit.
The course has been designed for learners to gain comprehensive knowledge and skills to understand, navigate, mitigate risks, and effectively manage consumer credit in today’s financial landscape.
Podcast: Why a course on consumer credit?
Check out this short epidose of the NZA Talk podcast to hear our Executive Director, Lyn McMorran, talk all things Consumer Credit Micro Credential, including why FSF co-developed it, who the course is for and what it covers.